Volunteer applications open for Elite Pan Ams
TTCFThe Trinidad & Tobago Cycling Federation will launch the application process for those interested in volunteering at August’s Elite Pan American Track Cycling Championships at the National Cycling Centre in Balmain, Couva from 30 August – 3 September, 2017.
The Elite Pan Ams will see some of the world’s best track cyclists compete in front of large crowds and television cameras worldwide. A host of volunteering opportunities is on offer in the competition, event support, event experience and hospitality teams.
Elite Pan Ams Event Director, Joseph Roberts added that “We’re extremely happy to welcome the largest Continental Championships to Trinidad & Tobago for the first time ever. T&T has a proud history at the Elite Pan Ams are with successful hosting of major International events at the world class National Cycling Centre, our volunteer workforce has always added invaluable contributions to the success of the events.”
Applications close on the 3rd August. Persons meeting the following criteria are invited to apply:
• 18 years of age or over by Monday 28 August 2017
• Available for a minimum of four shifts (early or late) between Monday 28 August and Monday 04 September 2017
• Have a valid and working email address
Shifts are available from Monday 28 August for event set up and official training, through the competition period of 30 Aug – 3 Sep and on Monday 04 September for event breakdown.
Volunteers will receive lunch or dinner (dependent on shift) on site; access to lockers and changing facilities on site; and an event t-shirt. All applicants will be informed whether or not their application has been successful by 08 August 2017.