TTCF MTB Eliminator - Test Event
Day 1 | 16-Jan-2016 | Bellerand Park, Chaguaramas
- Discipline
- Promoter
- Registration Fee
- TT$100 Adults | TT$20 Youth Developers
- Admission Fee
- Summary
The Trinidad & Tobago Cycling Federation presents its first evet Mountain Bike - Eliminator event. The action packed, fast paced event will be the first of its kind here in Trinidad & Tobago and the TTCF is happy to introduce this type of racing to T&T.
Registration for the event will be done via the following link: MTB XCE Registration
Want to be a sponsor with this exciting event? Contact Racing Secretary, Gary Acosta at [email protected]
This event is only for 2016 TTCF registered cyclists.