Junior Pan Am Feature: Lorenzo Orosco
Gary AcostaSaturday, August 20 2016
Name: Kemp Lorenzo Orosco
Age: 16 years old
Hometown: Benlomond Village Williamsville
Specialty: Endurance
Pet Events: Scratch and Points race
Hobbies: My hobbies are Swimming and site seeing
Who or what is your inspiration?:
My dad is my inspiration because he pushes me and motivates me to be the best that I can be.
What does it mean to you to be a member of the first International event hosted at the brand new National Cycling Centre?
It's an honour to be apart of the national team and I feel that we are making history by being a part of this international event.
How has your preparations been going for the event?
It's been tough and hectic at the same time because my coach pushes me harder everyday but it will pay off in the end.
What are your goals for the event?
My goal at the event is to give it my all and hopefully medal in both events for my country.
Do you have any words for Trinidad & Tobago to come out and support?:
Yes, to come out and support us because we worked hard to make our country proud.
Find out more about the Junior Pan Ams and make sur eand get your tickets!: http://ttcyclingfederation.org/track/track-events/2016-junior-pan-am.html